Retired Machine (Optimum)

User File Flag

Running an Nmap scan yields a hosted fileserver.

# Nmap scan initiated Tue Aug  7 11:26:29 2018 as: nmap -sV -T5 -oG optimumNmap
Host: ()    Status: Up
Host: ()    Ports: 80/open/tcp//http//HttpFileServer httpd 2.3/    Ignored State: filtered (999)
# Nmap done at Tue Aug  7 11:26:46 2018 — 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 17.53 seconds

Going to the webpage shows that it uses an HFS service for hosting. Doing a Nikto scan shows us that it uses HFS 2.3 version. In Metasploit we can do a simple search for this:

exploit/windows/http/regetto_hfs_execution: This exploit wont need much editing!

Using the "regetto_hfs_execution" exploit we just need to edit the 'Rhost' to point to our vulnerable fileserver.

A successful exploit will award us with a 'Meterpreter' session.

Always do 'sysinfo' command to check the system information. This is a 64bit OS, but our 'Meterpreter' session is in a 32bit process. This will be a bigger problem further down in our privilege escalation portion.

After getting our sessions started we can run a 'ls' command to list out what is currently in the directory. We find the file 'user.txt.txt' completing our 'User flag' portion:

You can use the 'cat' command to view and then copy the hash in the 'user.txt.txt'

You can use the 'cat' command to view and then copy the hash in the 'user.txt.txt'

Next we will continue with this machine and do our Privilege escalation exploit. I will talk about the importance of having the 'Meterpreter' session (with payloads) in a x64 process rather than a x32 process.