Been too long

Well I haven't written anything on this in a long while, a good year to be exact. I've been studying for my OSCP and have failed twice. I've been studying like a mad man for the past two months. I would write out what I'm studying or how i'm studying but I feel like that has already been written by others. You can see all over Reddit, especially the OSCP subreddit, where there are countless entries on how to study for this. I'd say to find something that you feel is right for you. 

What feels right for me is to crack open vulnhub and run the machines and try and crack them. Of course that isn't all. When it comes to the buffer overflow exercise there's a lot more reading involved. The courseware gives just enough for you to maybe familiarize yourself with this concept but to get even more familiar you would need to go on your own and do some research.

So what I will do while I study is add to this blog on what I've done so that others may find it helpful. I will be creating a new section for this so be on the look out for that. 

oscp practice list

As a practice to the OSCP certification (that'll come sometime either this year or next year) I've read this article posted on reddit. It's a list of vulnerable OS that are either similar to the OSCP lab and or final exam. I'll be going through this list and posting walkthroughs. I've already completed two of them on the list. I'll be trying to do these on a weekly basis.